Super villain Wiki

ChaosPiedmon (also called ChaosPiemon) is one of the main villains in the video game Digimon World 2.


ChaosPiedmon is a Mega Level Digimon that resemebles an almost excate replica of Piedmon. The only difference is that ChaosPiedmon's clown outfit is mostly black and white instead of bright colors.

Digimon WorldEdit[]

ChaosPiedmon is one of the Chaos Generals. He serves the main antagonist; Chaos Lord. He waits for Akira; (The main hero) on the 15th floor of the Data Domain, along with Andromon, and Giromon. After he and the other Chaos Generals are defeated, they along with the Chaos Lord, and Crimson to form; NeoCrimson.


    • Trump Sword
    • Trump Sword II
    • Mask's Square


    • ChaosPiedmon's previous Digimon form is Piedmon